NEW version of HGS (April 2024 - Revision 2674)
The HydroGeoSphere Revision 2674 (April 2024) is now available for download.
NEW version of HGS (March 2024 - Revision 2653)
The HydroGeoSphere Revision 2653 (March 2024) is now available for download.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Simulating the recession dynamics of Arctic catchments in the context of a thawing permafrost
In a recent study, researchers have made significant strides in understanding how climate warming is altering the Arctic's hydrological dynamics. The study delves into the complex relationship between permafrost thaw and groundwater flow. Traditionally, Arctic hydrology has been conceptualized as a local system, confined by the frozen ground. However, as the climate warms, permafrost begins to thaw, transitioning this system into a more interconnected network of regional aquifers. This transformation is crucial, as it alters the fundamental dynamics of water movement and storage in the Arctic.
HydroGeoSphere at the EGU23 General Assembly
HydroGeoSphere is usually well represented at the annual European Geoscience Union’s General Assembly, but 2023 might be a new record with 10 presentations which relied on the integrated hydrologic modelling capabilities of HGS.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Evaluation of baseflow separation methods with real and synthetic streamflow data from a watershed
Stream baseflow is inherently difficult to accurately estimate given the varied sources contributing to baseflow, it’s spatial variability, and the logistical difficulties in making physical baseflow measurements. Thanks to the fully integrated nature of HydroGeoSphere, and the fact that HGS was created with a strong emphasis on physics, HydroGeoSphere represents a very powerful tool for baseflow estimation, especially in lightly studies watersheds!
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Sources of surface water in space and time: Identification of delivery processes and geographical sources with hydraulic mixing-cell modeling
The paper highlighted this week presents a very interesting post-processing method for HydroGeoSphere models. The results of the HGS model were used as input into the hydraulic mixing-cell (HMC) approach which enables tracking and delineation of the mixing of predefined initial water sources at any location and at any time based on information from the hydraulic flow solution