NEW version of HGS (July 2021 - Revision 2280)

We’re happy to announce the July 2021 release of HydroGeoSphere (Revision 2280). Over the past month we’ve focused efforts on resolving several bugs reported by users and the internal modeling team, including the following fixes:

  1. Fix bug that causes additional and unwanted output files to be generated when the user specified minimum timestep is sufficiently small (< 1e-10).

  2. Fix bug introduced in the June release (revision 2270) that arises when the ‘impermeable matrix’ command is used.

  3. Fix bug that causes grok to crash without an error message when the number of surface flow domain zones exceeds the maximum value specified by “surface flow: material zones” in the array_sizes.default file.

  4. Fix bug writing the file header for the o.fluid_mass_balance output file.

As always, you can find a full list of changes/updates on the updates page, and find a copy of the latest installers on the download page.

Download the July 2021 release of HydroGeoSphere here:

Review the release notes here:


Blanking by element number with TecPlot for hydrogeological models


New Commands to Report Water Table Depth/Elevation