HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Evaluation of Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates from Various Approaches with Groundwater Flow Models
Over several decades a wide variety of techniques have been used to estimate the hydraulic flow properties of the subsurface. Here the authors have produced heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity (K) distributions at a heavily instrumented research site using 6 distinct techniques (slight variations in some tests resulted in 9 distinct K distributions):.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Managing climate change impacts on the Western Mountain Aquifer: Implications for Mediterranean karst groundwater resources
A new study investigates the impact of climate change on water availability within a 9000 sqkm karstic aquifer in Israel and the West Bank, and couples HydroGeoSphere to a soil-epikarst water balance model.
HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Variably saturated dual-permeability flow modeling to assess distributed infiltration and vadose storage dynamics of a karst aquifer
A new paper in the Journal of Hydrology provides a perfect case study of the dual continuum formulation supported by HydroGeoSphere. The dual continuum formulation in HydroGeoSphere involves two separate continua, with the first continuum represented by the porous medium. In this case, the 2nd continuum is used to represent the presence of large porosity features throughout a karstic aquifer - the Western Mountain Aquifer in Israel.
HGS Research Highlight - Dual permeability modeling of tile drain management influences on hydrology and nutrient transport in macroporous soil
This post features a recent study by Frey et al., 2016 who used 2-dimensional dual permeability HydroGeoSphere models to simulate the flow and transport of liquid swine manure and rhodamine tracer application on a macroporous clay loam under controlled (CD) and free drainage (FD) tile management.