Writing a Cleanup Script to Clear a Model Folder

Writing a Cleanup Script to Clear a Model Folder

This post introduces a simple method to clean up model folders without manually deleting individual files. While HydroGeoSphere typically overwrites results, there are cases where returning a model folder to its initial state is necessary—whether due to incorrect parameters, changes in output times, or preparing files for sharing.

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Time Varying Maximum Timestep
HGS Feature, Command of The Week, HGS, Tutorials Veljko Zaric HGS Feature, Command of The Week, HGS, Tutorials Veljko Zaric

Time Varying Maximum Timestep

This post highlights the time varying maximum timesteps command, which helps optimize simulation runtimes while maintaining high temporal resolution during periods of rapid model input changes. The time varying maximum timesteps command allows you to adjust timestep sizes dynamically using a simple time-value table. A sample problem demonstrating this feature, based on the "Abdul" verification model, is available for download. This version refines timesteps during key boundary condition changes, leading to approximately 100 additional timesteps and improved solution refinement.

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Minimum Layer Thickness (with fixed top elevation) Commands
HGS Feature, Command of The Week, HGS, Tutorials Veljko Zaric HGS Feature, Command of The Week, HGS, Tutorials Veljko Zaric

Minimum Layer Thickness (with fixed top elevation) Commands

This post describes how to use the minimum layer thickness and minimum layer thickness with fixed top elevation commands to enforce nodal elevation rules when building your model mesh or grid. These commands help prevent pinchouts, which occur when nodes in upper layers have lower elevations than those in layers beneath them—a common issue when working with large surface data files in complex geological systems.

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Speeding up HGS models using “unsaturated tables”

Speeding up HGS models using “unsaturated tables”

This post describes how unsaturated tables can be used to speed up model runs. Unsaturated tables refer to the Pressure-Saturation and Saturation-Relative Permeability tables that can be generated from van Genuchten parameters in an MPROPS file when running grok.exe. Conceptually, these tables replace the need for on-the-fly calculations of unsaturated properties during simulation, improving computational efficiency.

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Output Peclet Number
HGS Feature, Command of The Week, HGS, Tutorials Veljko Zaric HGS Feature, Command of The Week, HGS, Tutorials Veljko Zaric

Output Peclet Number

This post highlights a key tool for evaluating solute transport and density-dependent flow models: the output peclet number command. When building these models, a common approach is to first establish a steady-state flow solution, then validate transport using flow outputs as initial conditions, and finally introduce density dependence if needed.

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New Features, HGS, Software update, Tutorials Brayden McNeill New Features, HGS, Software update, Tutorials Brayden McNeill

Mesh Generation for HGS Models using AlgoMesh

We are pleased to announce that all new builds of HydroGeoSphere support 2D finite element meshes exported from AlgoMesh in the .AH2 format.  The following is a guest post describing how to create and export a 2D mesh with AlgoMesh.

Mesh Generation for HGS Models using AlgoMesh

By: Damian Merrick of HydroAlgorithmics

High-quality finite element mesh generation is an important part of building a HydroGeoSphere model....

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