NEW version of HGS (November 2021 - Revision 2321)

We’re pleased to announce the release of HydroGeoSphere Revision 2321 (November 2021).

As always, we’re tackling user reported bugs and improving the user experience (e.g. updating runtime output). But this month we’ve also included a few commands that will really help users that need to track water volumes in areas of interest:

  • The ‘fluid volume for chosen elements’ and ‘fluid volume for chosen elements by layer’ commands allow you to compute a timeseries of the total volume of water stored within a set of chosen elements. The ‘by layer’ version allows you to further quantify these volumes for each layer in the mesh. In both cases, fluid volumes are reported for both the surface and subsurface domains.

  • The ‘fluid volume to tecplot’ command allows you to automatically export the timeseries fluid volumes from the aforementioned commands directly to a Tecplot formatted ASCII file.

The latest installers are available on the HGS download page and a full list of changes/updates can be found in the release notes.

Download the November 2021 release of HydroGeoSphere here:

Review the release notes here:


Calculate fluid volumes for selected elements


"Athabasca River Basin High-Res Modelling of the Impact of Climate Change" - Webinar hosted by COSIA